_ Ultimate Lights Mixer

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An easy way to control and mix colors, intensity, add FXs to lights and glowing materials.
Is almost it like a real light mixer console but more flexible and with even more options.


  • Control color and intensity of lights and materials.
  • Create channels to group you lights.
  • Create tracks for different light setups.
  • Coose between 5 Light effects.
  • Use it without coding or easily integrate it in yur code.
  • Expand the creative possibilities of your game and make your ideas shine. Don’t miss this opportunity to create amazing lighting effects for your scenes with the Ultimate Lights Mixer.

    (whatch the tutorial here)

    (whatch the trailer here)


  • Get the documentation here

  • Get the asset on the unity asset store

  • Create amazing lighting effects for your scenes with Ultimate Lights Mixer.